Monday, October 21, 2019

Observational Drawing-week 4

Essential questions: 

1. Why is drawing from direct observation so different than drawing from a photograph?
2. What is an image?
3. How can I improve my still life drawing?

1. Pencil sketch pumpkin and gourd- overlapping, off-center, cropping edges, rotation - handout
2. Oil pastels technique

Google Classroom Assignment :
Save the presentation: Observational Drawing + First name + Last name initial 

1.  Cover page: Observational Drawing + First name + Last name initial 
2. Finish artwork- oil pastel
3. Drafts
4. Reference
5. Critique

  • 1. What was good?  

 Answer  the question based on the rubric:

  • Arrange a good composition

overlapping, off-center, cropping edges and rotation

  • Oil pastel technique:

Highlights and shadow/ tins( add white) and shads ( add Black)
Color blending technique
2. How could I improve? 

1. What are the new things/feelings I discovered about myself through this project?  
2.  Have I tried my best effort to create a positive learning environment for everyone in this classroom?