STUDY HALL/WIN Rules and Procedures
1. Be in your assigned seat
before the tardy bell rings or you need to have a late pass
2. Be prepared to
3. Work on all of
your assignments
4. Respect yourself
and respect all others
5. Today's time reminder is ____________________
1. Use the restroom
and get a drink between classes. You
will remain in the room until the bell rings unless there is an emergency. One restroom/ drink pass/office pass/ locker pass will be issued per student each week. One student may be out of study hall on a
pass at a time. Ask permission and use the sign-out sheet.
2. You will remain
quiet for the entire study hall period.
3. You will not be
allowed to go to another teacher’s classroom unless you have a pre-signed pass
from him or her.
4. Work until the
bell rings. This means you will bring
all necessary supplies to occupy yourself the entire class period. If you have no assignments to work on, bring
reading material or review other class material. Work may be provided by the teacher if you do
not bring something to work on in study hall.
5. Keep in mind that
you elected to take a study hall because you needed the study time, therefore
this will be a study hall and not a social hour.
6. 2- 5 minutes Clean-Up before the bell rings. You need to ask Ms. Hsieh to check your work area( table, seat, and floor) and get a Red Cleaning Pass.
7. Exit ticket: Say thank you, Ms. Hsieh, and give back the Red Cleaning Pass to Ms. Hsieh.