Sunday, July 28, 2019

One Point Perspective Word -1

One Point Perspective Word 

One Point Perspective Name Rubric:

1.  Your inspiration word should have at least 3 letters.

2.  All letters are presented as accurately in a one-point perspective. All lines lead to the correct vanishing point. Linear perspective is used with a ruler.

3. Have a theme to indicate personal identity, and culture. The artwork is original and unique in design. 

4. Demonstrate colored pencils' shading skills.

5. Complete the project with Elements of Art and Principles of Art.

6. Turn in on time through Google classroom. If you can not turn it in on time, you have the following choices: 
a. Please ask for an extension and provide a date for turning in your project.   
b. Turn in your unfinished artwork for part of the credit. 

Questions about your identity and culture:

  1. How would you describe your cultural identity or ethnicity?
  2. Do you belong to a group of people that you consider to be different than others where you come from?
  3. Did anyone in your family or community speak another language?
  4. Describe the traditional way that people in your culture dress for regular and special occasions.
  5. What is a unique belief that people from your community have?
  6. What are the three most important things that people should know about your culture?
  7. What do you consider to be traditional music where you are from?
  8. What types of foods were cooked for special occasions when you were growing up?
  9. Where did people go when they traveled when you were younger?
  10. What’s your favorite thing about your culture?
  11. What don’t you like about your culture
  12. How are elders treated in your culture?
  13. What kind of things are considered rude in your culture?
  14. What do people from other countries typically think about your culture?
  15. If you could change anything about your culture, what would you change?
  16. What is the most interesting thing your culture has given to the world?
  17. Has your culture adopted anything from other cultures?

How can you make a drawing appear three-dimensional using perspective? 

Students will: 
1. Practice perspective through the perspective worksheets
2. Show their understanding of Three-dimensional perspective by drawing their name using the one-point perspective technique
3. Apply the knowledge of shading to push the three-dimensional look by using colored pencils
4. Apply Elements of Art and Principle of  Design 
4. Have a theme to create a personal portfolio

What Is Perspective?

Perspective is a method of drawing objects on a two-dimensional surface to give the right 
the impression of height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other.

What is Linear perspective?
There are many types of perspective drawing. Linear perspective refers to using a set of rules that guide a drawing’s lines towards various vanishing point(s). This converging of lines is what helps an artist achieve the illusion of depth within a drawing.

There are 3 main types of  Linear perspective drawing:
  • 1 point perspective
  • 2 point perspective
  • 3 point perspective
Photos of one-point perspective

Artist examples

Bedroom in Arles’ by Vincent van Gogh 

Basic Principle of one-point perspective drawing

What is one point Name perspective drawing?



Following along with the step by step directions for the one-point perspective NAME  demo.
Please use the practice sheets, a pencil and a ruler for this project.

 Step1: Practice the block letters

Step 2: When you complete the alphabet of your name, show it to your teacher and ask for a new white sheet of portfolio paper to work on.  Look at the templates below.  Choose the one you would like to use.

Step 3: Draw the template design of your choice and draw it large on your white paper
Step 4: When you (evenly) create your marks, go ahead and use those marks to divide your paper.  4 marks create five spaces.  One for each letter in the name ANDRU.
Step 5: Write your first name in block-letter style using each space for each letter.

 Step 6:  Draw a parallel lin

Step 7:Use the one-point perspective technique to turn your block letters into 3D block letters.

Notice: Revise that every appropriate corner or edge has a receding line.  The example “P” below has a missing receding line.  This is a common mistake that you need to avoid. 
Notice: Another common mistake is your parallels.  Always ensure that your parallel lines are actually parallel.  The example below shows the letter “P” with its parallel lines, not parallel. 
Google Classroom Assignment 
Cover slide- Name and Title
1. Take pictures on the worksheets
2. Take a  picture  on your final portfolio
3. Background decoration idea
4. Critique
a. Colored pencils techniques
b. Elements of Art and Principles of Design
One Point Perspective Name Rubric:
1.  Your name should have at least 4 letters.
2.  All letters are presented as accurately in one-point perspective. All lines lead to the correct vanishing point. Linear perspective is used with a ruler.
3. Have a theme to indicate a personal interest. The artwork is original and unique in design. 
4.  Shading placement is well chosen and complements the design. 
5. The piece is complete. The design is completed and includes Elements of Art and Principles of Art
6. Turn in on time through Google classroom. ( Fail to turn in the art project will get ZERO for your grade.)   If you can not turn in on time, you have the following choices: 
a. Please ask for an extension and provide a date for turning in your project.   
b. Turn in your unfinished artwork for part of the credit. ( Fail to turn in the art project will get ZERO on your grade.)   

Google Classroom Assignment exemplar
1. A professional picture of the portfolio with Theme and Big idea
 Professional picture

Theme( title): My musical life
Big idea: I enjoy playing music on piano and cello, and I love mixing and improving the music. In other words, music plays an important part in my life, especially as a creative process. I also love listening to music in my free time to release the pressure and rejuvenates my life.  

Great artwork but ... need to crop off the unnecessary background

2.   Reference 

3.  Assessment
4. Art Critique
  • Colored pencil technique

  •  Elements of Art and Principle of Design